Academic Council
To consider the most important issues of the Institute, a Academic Council is created, not less than 75 percent of the total number of which consists of scientific, scientific and pedagogical staff of the Institute and a representative of the student council.
The Academic Council of the Institute is headed by its chairman, who is elected for the term of office of the Academic Council.
The Academic Council of the Institute includes:
- Rector
- Deans of faculties
- Chief specialists of faculties
- Chief Accountant
- Chairman of the selection committee
- Head of Legal Department
- Chairman of the Student Council.
According to the decision of the Academic Council of the Institute, it may include the heads of working and advisory bodies established at the Institute.
The Academic Council also includes elected representatives under the following quotas:
- who represent scientific, scientific and pedagogical workers and are elected from among the heads (heads) of departments, professors, doctors of sciences, doctors of philosophy - 1 representative from each faculty (institute, observatory) and NMS;
- elected representatives who represent other employees of the Institute and work in it on a permanent basis - 2 people from all departments - elected representatives of graduate students, doctoral students, trainee assistants - 2 people from all faculties, institutes are elected by the conference of the Institute recommendations of conferences of labor collectives of faculties of institutes of the Institute;
- heads of elected bodies of the primary trade union organization (students) - 3 persons are elected by the trade union bodies of the Primary trade union organization of the Institute;
- heads of student self-government bodies of the Institute - 3 persons are elected by students (cadets). Representatives from among the employees of the Institute are elected by the conference of the labor collective on the proposal of the structural subdivisions in which they work.
Academic Council of the Institute:
- determines the strategy and perspective directions of development of educational, scientific and innovative activity of the Institute;
- develops and submits to the Conference of the labor collective the draft Statute of the Institute, as well as the decision on making changes and additions to it;
- defines the system and approves the procedures for internal quality assurance of higher education;
- approves educational programs and curricula for each level of higher education and specialty;
- makes decisions on the organization of the educational process, determines the terms of training at the appropriate levels;
- approves the financial plan and annual financial report of the Institute;
- decides on the placement of own revenues in the territorial bodies of the central executive body in the field of treasury servicing of budget funds or in banking institutions;
- decides, at the request of the Rector of the Institute, on the formation, reorganization and liquidation of structural units (except for the Military Institute and the Institute of State Protection Management);
- elects by secret ballot to the positions of heads of departments, professors, library directors, branch managers;
- approves, in accordance with the legislation, the sample and procedure for making one's own diploma of higher education, regulations on the procedure and grounds for its issuance to graduates, as well as samples, procedure, procedure and grounds for issuing double diplomas to graduates;
- approves the main directions of research and innovation;
- evaluates the scientific and pedagogical activities of structural units;
- assigns the academic titles of professor, associate professor and senior researcher and submits the relevant decisions for approval to the attestation board of the central executive body in the field of education and science;
- makes final decisions on the recognition of foreign documents: for enrollment of entrants to study, on higher education, scientific degrees and academic titles during the employment of pedagogical, scientific, scientific-pedagogical and other employees;
- has the right to submit a petition for recall of the rector, which is considered by the Conference of the staff of the Institute, on the grounds provided by law, the contract;
- approves regulations on working and advisory bodies of the Institute;
- determines the powers of academic councils of faculties / institutes in accordance with the directions of their educational activity;
- considers other issues of the Institute's activity in accordance with its Statute.
Decisions of the Academic Council of the Institute are put into effect by order of the director.
Склад Вченої ради
Склад Вченої ради
- Composition of the Academic Council for 2022
- Composition of the Academic Council for 2023
- Composition of the Academic Council for 2024
- Composition of the Academic Council for 2025
Institute work plans
Institute work plans
- The work plan of the Academic Council in 2020
- The work plan of the Academic Council in 2021
- The work plan of the Academic Council in 2022
- The work plan of the Academic Council in 2023
- The work plan of the Academic Council in 2024
- The work plan of the Academic Council in 2025