Interregional Academy of Personnel Management

Dnipro Institute
Dnipro, Nadii Aleksieienko St, 21

A criminal justice officer teaches the discipline “Penitentiary Psychology” to IAPM students

Monday, 10 March 2025
A criminal justice officer teaches the discipline “Penitentiary Psychology” to IAPM students

Another Lecture Class with University Students

On March 7, 2025, a psychologist from the Amur-Nyzhniodniprovskyi District Department of the branch of the State Institution "Probation Center" in Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, legal expert Eduard Abashia, conducted another lecture class with university students.

On February 24, 2025, training began for full-time students of the Department of Psychology at the Dnipro Institute of the Private Joint-Stock Company "Higher Educational Institution 'MAUP'" in the discipline: "Penitentiary Psychology." The teaching program and its educational components are determined, selected, and developed by the probation officer himself. These classes are conducted outside regular working hours in an online format.

A modern specialist in the penitentiary system must have high-quality pedagogical and psychological training and education for successful professional activity in correctional institutions. The importance of preparing future specialists is dictated by the need to improve the functioning of correctional institutions, which are based on the principles of humanization and intensification of the rehabilitation process of convicted individuals. Knowledge of penitentiary pedagogy and psychology significantly contributes to solving these issues. One of the main goals of this discipline is to provide knowledge, instill skills and abilities necessary for the rehabilitation of offenders, their involvement in labor activities, and their further reintegration into normal life in society.

In interaction with criminal-executive law, penitentiary pedagogy and psychology develop practical recommendations for the resocialization of convicted individuals by applying methods of educational influence and psychological correction of offenders' personalities.

Considering the complex nature of the tasks performed by the State Criminal-Executive Service of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine, it is important to note that high professional standards must be introduced for the personnel of correctional institutions (colonies) and pre-trial detention centers, probation officers, cadets, and students of educational institutions. They need to acquire profound scientific knowledge, skills, and abilities in the field of penitentiary pedagogy and psychology, be able to control their emotions and understand the significance of their actions, comprehend how to work with distorted, pro-criminal thinking, and how to motivate others for positive life changes to competently address the practical challenges of rehabilitating convicted individuals.

Confident mastery of psychological and pedagogical techniques and methods by employees of the criminal-executive system, as well as their competent application in practical activities, are crucial conditions for successfully achieving the goals and fulfilling the tasks outlined in the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine’s Resolution No. 654-r of September 13, 2017, "On the Approval of the Concept for the Reform (Development) of the Penitentiary System of Ukraine"; and the Resolution No. 1153-r of December 16, 2022, "On the Approval of the Strategy for the Reform of the Penitentiary System for the Period Until 2026 and the Approval of the Operational Plan for Its Implementation in 2022–2024".

Lectures with students take place in a relaxed, informal, and friendly atmosphere. Students quickly engage in the learning process and actively participate in discussions with curiosity and enthusiasm, willingly asking questions and reflecting on the topics. The introduction of this discipline into the educational program for future psychologists has been a significant step in preparing new professionals in the field of penitentiary psychology, who may, in the future, choose to pursue a career in the penitentiary system, stated the probation department psychologist.

In addition, the probation officer conducts other lecture classes, including on the subject "Organization of Psychological Services," where, within the study of various social spheres and their psychological services, part-time students of MAUP have the opportunity to learn about the existence and activities of the Psychological Assistance and Innovations Sector in Probation of the State Institution "Probation Center" and its main objectives.