Department of economics, management and tourism business
Terms of Service

The department is a structural unit of the Dniprovsky Institute of the Interregional Academy of Personnel Management.
The department is guided by the current legislation of Ukraine on the organization of educational and scientific activities, orders and regulations of the Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, DI MAUP.
The work of the department is based on the principles of law, democracy, humanism, science, high level of morality, integration of science with practice, publicity, protection of human rights and freedoms, personal responsibility of employees for the performance of their duties, professionalism, equality of working conditions of each employee. to realize their abilities, the freedom of the creative process.
The department prepares competent economists and organizers of economic activity for enterprises of different forms of ownership, specialists in the field of business planning, assessment of competitiveness of the enterprise and products, strategic development of the enterprise, capable to make effective managerial decisions on the activity of the enterprise in modern difficult conditions management and forecast their consequences.
The current work of the department is discussed at meetings departments that are held once a month.
The reports of the teaching, scientific, methodological and educational work of the department are discussed at the meetings of the Scientific Board of DI MAUP (twice a year).
Basic functions and tasks of the department
Educational work is the main activity of the department, an integral part of the holistic pedagogical process. It consists of planning, organizing and conducting all kinds of educational activities, controlling the assimilation of educational material, ensuring a high theoretical level of teaching, continuous improvement of students' education and upbringing, improving pedagogical skills of teachers.
In the course of teaching and methodical work the department should provide modern scientific level of training of specialists, improvement of teaching methods on the basis of rational combination of traditional teaching methods and new active forms and methods and other educational technologies of teaching.
The department is engaged in the preparation of textbooks and manuals, the development of work-study programs, programs of practice, control tasks for seminars, practical classes, preparation of individual semester tasks in subjects for independent work of students, development of methodological materials for students in the field of self-study , writing coursework and thesis.
The department is improving the work of the departmental methodological seminar, organizing open and demonstration classes, mutual and control visits to classes and optimal teaching load of teachers, designing you to use in the educational process of a specialized audience - courtrooms.
The teaching and methodological work at the department is organized and carried out in accordance with state educational standards.
The educational process is carried out in the form of classroom work, independent work of students, practical training, individual tasks, control measures.
The main types of training are regulated by the Decree of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine “On the Organization of the Educational Process in Higher Educational Institutions” and “Regulations on the Organization of the Educational Process of the IAUP.”
The main condition for improvement of the pedagogical process, pedagogical culture of the teaching staff is the improvement of professional qualification. Planning and organization of professional development of the teaching staff is carried out in accordance with the plan of work of the department and the individual plan of work of teachers, taking into account their professional background.
Scientific work
Scientific work is one of the main activities of the whole faculty of the department.
The main forms of scientific work of the department are:
- Carrying out scientific researches and current directions of special disciplines and problems corresponding to the department's profile;
- preparation of monographs, textbooks, textbooks, scientific articles, reports on the main academic disciplines of the department;
- preparing PhD and doctoral theses, reviewing and reviewing the dissertation submitted, defending and organizing student research work;
The scientific work of the department is planned for the academic year on the basis of the annual plan of scientific work of the higher educational establishment of education and proposals of scientific and pedagogical staff.
Students' scientific work is conducted in scientific circles and is drawn up in the form of abstracts, scientific reports, abstracts, articles, scientific papers recommended by the department for participation in competitions, high school, intercollegiate, republican or other level competitions.
The works awarded at the competition may, at the decision of the department, be counted as coursework, and their authors may be exempted from passing the exam or credit from the corresponding discipline taught by the department.
Educational work
Educational work among students is organized in unity with the learning process.
The main tasks of educational work are:
- preparing the conscious intelligentsia, updating and enriching the nation's intellectual gene pool;
- developing a clear civic position of students;
- creating the conditions for the development of students' general culture, enriching their aesthetic and spiritual experience and development;
- development of high general and professional culture, mastering the achievements of national and world culture, attraction to common human values, learning about the traditions and customs of the Ukrainian people.
The educational work of the department is based on the following principles:
- Humanizing education and upbringing that recognizes a person's worth, the fullest disclosure of the abilities of individuals, the satisfaction of students' intellectual, cognitive, cultural, spiritual needs, the prioritization of human values, and the realization of spiritual principles;
- The national orientation of education and upbringing, which ensures the inseparability of education and upbringing from the national soil, history of the people, spirituality, its traditions, and calls to preserve and safeguard the culture of Ukraine;
- Multivariance and differentiation of educational work, which provides an opportunity for a wide choice of forms, methods and measures of education, taking into account the characteristics of a particular student team and the individual characteristics of each student;
- The systematic and continuity of the educational process, which ensures the uniformity of the requirements for education and upbringing at all stages of study at the university.
To accomplish the above tasks, the teaching staff of the department carries out in the process of training students on the positive examples of humanism and high morality on a spiritual basis, conducts work on improving the methods of education, organizes and conducts seminars, scientific and practical conferences and meetings on the following educational work, participates in the dissemination of scientific and legal knowledge, achievements of state formation in the implementation of ideas of the rule of law, conducting excursions, organizing evenings and quizzes.
Educational work involves the use of various forms and methods, the most important of which is systematic and focused work with each student and the curatorial institute. Only full-time faculty members are assigned to curate academic groups.
Organizing Chair Activities
The general management of the department is carried out by the director of DI MAUP, his deputy and the deans of day and correspondence departments.
The direct management of the department rests with the head of the department, who determines the teaching load of the teachers of the department, holds a meeting of the department, which discusses all aspects of the department's activity: educational, methodical, scientific, educational, organizational.
The department is made up of at least five teachers, who usually have a degree and a degree.
The staff of the department is formed by order of the directors of DI MAUP. The staff of the department may include: the head of the department, the deputy head of the department, professors, associate professors, senior teachers, teachers, assistants, graduate students, doctoral students and specialists of the department.
The positions of the head of the department, the deputy head of the department, professors, associate professors, senior lecturers, as a rule, are replaced by persons with relevant academic degrees and titles, complete higher professional education, experience of teaching. The specialist of the department is usually higher or secondary education.
The activities of the department are carried out in accordance with the plan of work for the academic year.
The work plan of the department is made on the basis of the governing documents that determine the content of the training of specialists, perspective and calendar plans of the Academy and DI MAUP and should provide for specific measures, which include performers and timing of organizational, educational, educational and research work.
Discussion on the state of implementation of the work plan, other issues of the department's activity is based on its principles.
The department meets at least once every 2 months. An extraordinary meeting of the Chair may be initiated by at least 1/3 of the permanent staff or by the decision of the Head of the Chair.
The decisions of the department shall come into force if at least 2/3 of its permanent members participate in the meeting. Decisions (except as otherwise provided) are taken by a large majority of the existing members of the department.
Issues of inter-departmental research and educational organization may be considered and justified at joint meetings of the departments of the Institute.
The department is responsible for the quality of professional training.
The educational process is supervised by the management of DI MAUP, the deans of day and correspondence departments, the head of the department and aims to obtain objective information for its improvement.
Work Plans
Specialization: Economics and business management (Bachelor)
Specialization: Tourism (Bachelor)
Specialization: International tourism (Bachelor)