Department of Humanities and Fundamental Training
Basic Information

The Department of Humanities and Fundamental Training is a major educational and scientific structural unit of the Institute providing & nbsp; Educational, educational, methodical and research work. & nbsp; The work of the department is based on democratic principles - community, collegiality and unity, personal responsibility and open discussion of issues within its competence.
The work of the department is aimed at providing a humanitarian set of disciplines for the training of specialists of all specialties, which is carried out in line with the humanization of the educational process. Teaching subjects in the cycle of fundamental and natural science training of bachelors and masters of all specialties.
The main tasks of the department are:
- In the organization and implementation at the appropriate scientific and methodological levels of the educational process in one or more disciplines in order to train highly qualified specialists;
- Performing research on the department's profile, training and teaching staff and enhancing their skills;
- To provide methodological assistance to the management of the Institute, training centers in organizing and conducting educational work with students.
These tasks are accomplished through the integration of learning and practice, the full and effective application of all elements of the educational process, taking into account the capabilities of modern information technologies.
Educational Work
Educational work is the main activity of the department and an integral part of a holistic educational process, involving management, teaching and research staff, engineering, teaching and support staff, administrative and economic staff, students of the Institute.
It consists of planning, organizing and conducting all types of training, current and final control of student learning.
The training organization is designed to provide:
- Combining all the components of the educational process;
- Introduction to the educational process of the latest achievements of science and technology, best pedagogical and practical experience of bodies providing legal services;
- The current scientific level of specialist training, the optimum balance of theoretical and practical training, which ensures that students receive within a set time of deep theoretical skills and competences in the chosen specialty and specialization;
- Logically correct, scientifically and methodically justified correlation and consistency of course teaching;
- Checking and protecting the control work provided by the training programs;
- Checking lab reports provided by programs;
- Acceptance of non-classroom reading in a foreign language (Ukrainian as a foreign language);
- Acceptance of written entrance exams at the Institute;
- Retesting for the entrance exam;
- Acceptance of the credits provided in the syllabus;
- Accepting differentiated credits that are provided in the syllabus.
The most important part of the educational process is training sessions, during which the training, education and training of specialists of the appropriate qualification level, imparting practical skills in fulfilling their future functional responsibilities according to the timetable.
Educational work
Educational work among students is organized in unity with the learning process.
The main tasks of educational work are:
- Formation of students of patriotism, national consciousness based on historical traditions and customs, moral and professional qualities, a sense of personal responsibility for ensuring public order;
- Development of the general and professional culture of future lawyers, their involvement in the achievements of Ukrainian and world culture, traditions and customs of the Ukrainian community;
- Forming students respect for state laws, statutory requirements, a sense of pride in their profession, responsibility for performing public and official duties;
- Mastering psychologically sound and professional behaviors.
To accomplish the above tasks, the department performs the following functions:
- Takes an active role in improving the education of future professionals;
- Organizes and conducts seminars, scientific conferences and meetings on current educational issues;
- Participates in the dissemination of scientific and legal knowledge, best practices, the preparation of popular scientific and legal literature, excursions, organization of evenings, quizzes, etc.
Methodical Work
Methodical work is an integral part of the educational process and one of the most important activities of the department. The main content of the methodological work is to provide training, to develop and carry out measures to improve the educational work and increase the pedagogical skills of the teaching staff of the department.
The department creates a teaching and learning office to summarize and use in the learning process positive work experience, to assist students in their independent work.
The teaching and learning office assists the teaching staff of the department, section, subject-methodical commission in the preparation and conduct of all kinds of classes at a properly high educational-methodical level, accumulates the departmental educational-methodical fund.