Department of Law
General provisions

Mission of the department: The law department is aimed at training highly qualified specialists in the field of jurisprudence who are able to influence the social and legal aspects of social development.
Tasks of the department: The department aims to provide students with knowledge in the field of law, develop their analytical and critical thinking abilities, and educate them in ethical principles related to the implementation of legal activities. The department provides high-quality education of students based on current knowledge, modern teaching methods and practical tasks for the formation of practical skills in future lawyers. The department is actively engaged in scientific work, promotes the development of legal research, publication of articles, monographs, participation in scientific conferences and seminars.
The department cooperates with legal bodies, public organizations and business partners for practical application of acquired knowledge and preparation of students for professional activities. The department contributes to the development of the student's personality, forms in him critical thinking, ethical norms and the ability to work in a team, which helps in the future to work successfully in various areas of legal practice. The department organizes open lectures, seminars, conferences and other events to popularize legal knowledge among students, teachers and the public. The department constantly implements innovative approaches to education and research, uses modern technologies to improve the quality of education and prepare students for the challenges of the modern legal environment.
Methodical Work
For the performance of law work by teachers of the Law Department, training and methodological complexes were prepared, including training programs, work training programs, which include lectures plans, students' self-study plans, seminars, tasks for practical classes, business games.
Work curricula, methodological instructions for practical training and independent work of students in the disciplines, which are taught according to the curriculum, have been prepared.
A means of consolidating students' theoretical knowledge and the method of acquiring practical skills is the educational, industrial and undergraduate practice that students of MAUP conduct in the judicial and judicial bodies city of Dnipro and Dnipropetrovsk region, as well as in the legal departments and services of other bodies and institutions of Dnepro under the guidance of highly qualified specialists both from DI IAPM and from the institution where students are practicing.
At the same time, there is a legal clinic operating on the basis of the Regulations on the legal clinic in DI IAPM and the Code of Ethics of the legal clinic in DI IAPM. Admission to the law clinic is carried out by the graduate students of the correspondence department of the Institute under the guidance of the teachers of the Department of Law.
To implement the Concept and Regulations on Legal Education of the students of the IAPM of the semester students and youth competitions in law. As a result of the verification of the completed tasks, the commission noted a high level of knowledge of students and students of graduating classes of secondary schools, who later become students, and then students of DI IAPM.
The Department annually conducts scientific and practical conferences, both at the regional and international level, which discuss the problems and ways of solving the problems of legal regulation. Conducting student scientific law competitions develop students' skills in analytical and generalizing research projects.
Under the scientific guidance of highly qualified Lecturers at the MAUP Law Department, law graduates Conduct scientific research that addresses and analyzes the legal aspects of business and labor law, identifies issues from the topics studied, and outlines ways to solve these problems and measures. The mentioned scientific researches are presented in the diploma works, which were successfully defended by the graduate students, which testifies to the high level and the proper status of legal education at DI IAPM.
Each course in jurisprudence is accompanied by an "informative 15 minutes" at which students, with the help of a teacher, review, summarize and analyze draft laws, amendments and additions to the current legislative acts of Ukraine. This helps them to monitor and have effective legislation in the mobile lawmaking process of Ukraine and to apply it correctly in practical applications.
To fulfill the concept of development of the Law Department, in January 2013, a specialized auditorium was opened and a forensic laboratory was created for practical training with law students. Meetings of the student scientific group "Scientific Society" are systematically held, where students independently consider current problems in the system of law of Ukraine and international law, develop proposals for improvement of the rules of the current legislation.
Educational work with students is carried out by the Dean and the Department of Law of DI IAPM in accordance with the plan of educational work. In addition, all the teachers in their lectures pay attention to the culture of students' behavior, moral qualities, personal example contribute to the education of the students of obligation, honest attitude to the business they are engaged in. The Department of Law also carries out the spiritual education of students in its work and studies its roots, since jurisprudence has a close connection with the spiritual, moral principles contained in the Law of God. The first jurists, the first judges of ancient times were clergy, religious figures and priests with Christian roots.
It was these persons who were entrusted with the resolution of the disputed issues. Therefore, the students of law study the Christian roots in modern law on the basis of History of State and Law, Roman Law, the history of the Christian Church, along with the visit of the Institutional Student Chapel in honor of the Twelve Apostles.
Specialty Specialties
- Knowledge of the foundations of the theory and philosophy of law, the structure of the legal profession and its role in society.
- Knowledge of the history of law and government.
- Knowledge of the standards of the legal profession.
- Knowledge of international human rights standards.
- Knowledge of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, as well as the case law of the European Court of Human Rights.
- Knowledge of the principles and doctrines of public international law, as well as the content of major international law institutions.
- Knowledge of the basics of European Union law.
- Knowledge of the principles and doctrines of national law, as well as the content of legal institutions of such fundamental areas of law as: constitutional law, administrative law and administrative procedural law, civil and civil procedural law, labor law, criminal and criminal procedural law. >
- Skills of implementation and application of substantive and procedural law. The ability to apply knowledge in practice when modeling legal situations.
- The ability to identify the facts that are appropriate and acceptable for legal analysis.
- Ability to analyze legal issues and form legal positions.
- Ability to apply legal reasoning.
- Ability to identify regulatory issues and suggest ways to resolve them, including overcoming legal uncertainty.
- Skills of logical, critical and systematic analysis of documents, understanding of their legal nature and meaning.
- Legal counseling skills, including possible ways to protect the rights and interests of clients, in accordance with the requirements of professional ethics, due diligence on personal data and confidential information.
- Skills for self-drafting law enforcement projects.
- Ability to critically and systematically analyze legal phenomena and apply acquired knowledge to professional activity.
Program Learning Outcomes
An undergraduate bachelor of law majoring in Law must demonstrate the following learning outcomes:
- determine the validity and persuasiveness of the arguments in evaluating previously unknown conditions and circumstances;
- synthesize relevant concepts and doctrinal provisions of public policy in the context of the problem being analyzed and demonstrate our own vision of ways to solve it;
- collect and analyze materials from multiple sources;
- formulate your own well-founded judgments based on an analysis of a known problem;
- summarize specific issues with sufficient justification;
- evaluate the shortcomings and strengths of the arguments by analyzing a known issue;
- agree on a plan for your own research and independently generate materials from identified sources;
- Use a variety of information sources to tackle complex issues on a specific topic;
- independently identify and formulate those issues that need assistance and act on recommendations;
- Fluent in written and oral state language, using legal terminology correctly;
- present material on a particular subject so as to reveal the content of the main issues;
- reproduce content by demonstrating understanding of major professional and community topics;
- properly use digital and statistical information obtained from primary and secondary sources for their professional activities;
- freely use accessible information technologies and databases for your business;
- use computer software within standard software using spreadsheets, graphs and other features;
- work as a group member as a contributor to the group's tasks;
- Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of defining basic contemporary legal doctrines, values and principles of functioning of the national legal system;
- explain the nature and content of the main legal institutions and procedures of national law; demonstrate the necessary knowledge and understanding of the essence and content of the main legal institutions and norms of the fundamental branches of law;
- apply the knowledge gained in different legal situations, identify legally relevant facts and formulate sound legal conclusions;
- independently prepare drafts of the necessary acts of application of the law in accordance with the legal opinion made in different legal situations;
- Advise on ways to protect clients' rights and interests in different legal situations.
Employment: Bachelor of Laws may hold primary positions in state executive and judiciary, local government, prosecutor's office, advocacy, Security Service of Ukraine, Internal Affairs, Customs, legal services businesses, institutions, organizations, and more.
Master of Laws specialty has been prepared to work in positions requiring a law degree:
- in state executive bodies;
- in local self-government bodies;
- courts of general jurisdiction and specialized courts;
- bodies of prosecutor's office;
- bodies of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine;
- notarial system;
- advocacy;
- legal services of enterprises of all forms of ownership;
- law schools.