Department of Psychology
General provisions

Department of Psychology is a graduating department and provides professional training for specialists in specialty 053 “Psychology”.
The purpose of the department is to ensure personal and professional competence of future specialists in practical activities, taking into account the requests of employers and applicants of universities.
The Department of Psychology provides the educational process for students of the first (bachelor) and second (master) levels in the specialty "Psychology".
Today, the professors’ staff of the Department of Psychology includes both leading scholars famous both in Ukraine and abroad with practical experience, as well as young teachers, united by a desire to help students become competitive in the modern labor market, to acquire the necessary theoretical knowledge, practical skills and abilities.
The leading forms of conducting classes are: lectures, seminars, workshops and training's. The teaching staff of the department systematically applies various methods and techniques to enhance the educational and cognitive activities of students: brainstorming, discussions, an interactive method of presenting material, problem solving, cases and situations in group classes.
Department lecturers ensure the development of research competencies for future psychologists, taking into account modern principles of academic mobility, teaching special courses within the framework of the student’s research interests.
The department provides the possibility of dual education through the research laboratory of psychology, a training center, a center for psychological counseling and psycho-correction. Practical classes are provided by new information and communication technologies (NICT), and as a basis for consulting and supervisory practice. On the basis of the center, advisory and psycho-correction classes are carried out by students under the guidance of experienced practicing psychologists. In the training center, psychologists-to-be carry out career guidance activities with high school students.
Students undergo industrial and undergraduate practice in the centers of Kiev, where they provide consulting, psychotherapist, and rehabilitation services.
The specialty 053 “Psychology” program , aimed at training qualified psychology specialists, foresees, first of all, their personal, professional and social development, and its result is not simply the acquisition of psychological knowledge, skills and competences, and the formation of key professional competences appropriate to contemporary socio-cultural conditions.
Educational process of training psychologists is carried out taking into account the didactic capabilities of modern information and communication technologies of learning and is focused on the formation of an educated, harmoniously developed personality, capable of self-education, constant updating of scientific knowledge, professional mobility, rapid adaptation to changes in social and changing management and organization of labor in a market economy. In the system of modern scientific knowledge, psychology holds a special place, which is defined by its specificity, because it combines the theoretical foundations on which it is based and practical activity with different clients.
Specialists psychologists are able to act as a mediator in the system of interaction of the individual, family and society, actively influence the creation of positive relationships in society, the harmonization of relationships between people, support useful initiatives, stimulate various types of assistance, carry out psychological research and other . Particular attention is given to developing the necessary professional skills for effective psychological counseling of other people. Psychologists also master the basic principles of psycho-correction programs and psycho-corrective care.
Specialists in the field of training "Psychology" can perform research, educational, management, psycho-diagnostic, counseling and psycho-corrective work: in scientific and educational institutions of various levels; in social institutions dealing with social and psychological assistance; economic institutions, fulfilling the duties of human resources; medical institutions, providing psychological support to sick persons; in law enforcement agencies together with other specialists participating in law enforcement activities. Psychologists also develop recommendations and implement psycho-hygienic measures to improve the learning, upbringing and productive environment of the individual. Psychology graduates are prepared to work in education, medicine, social assistance to the population, social services for families, children and youth, the Armed Forces, Security Service, MIA, administrative, political and private entities.
The main objective of the specialty is to provide education in the field of social and behavioral sciences with broad employment opportunities for successful professional self-realization in the labor market, to form the basic competencies of a psychologist capable of independent work and continuing education in doctoral programs in psychology. The program provides specialization.
Specialization: Psychology
Psychology is the sphere of human activity, the system of psychological knowledge and the field of research, the content of which is extremely close to the content of the concept of applied psychology.
In both cases, it is about the active application of the advances in psychological theory. But psychology develops an independent sphere of activity, in contrast to applied, which only modifies existing practices in accordance with the recommendations of psychological theory. Yes, for example, you can talk about psychology in social work and psychology of social work (applied aspect of social work aspect of psychological science).
The field of human activity - psychology can be deployed both independently and organizationally related to related practices. For example, a psychologist may advise on time management in the context of personal practice or as an HR (training and development) employee at an enterprise.
The separation of applied and practical psychology is a controversial issue. In the list of directions in which specialists are trained there is no applied psychology, instead, it is practical.
Standards of Psychology
The following standards of psychology are legally defined:
Psychology Specialist Prepared for:
- Psycho-diagnostic and psycho-correction work with different categories of citizens;
- Provision of advisory services to individuals, institutions and organizations;
- Psychological support for the activities of various organizations of all forms of ownership, as well as institutions and departments of public authorities and management;
- Conducting socio-psychological research and optimizing the psychological climate in work teams;
- Career guidance and selection;
- Identification of psychological causes of social adaptation of children, choice of forms and content of psycho-corrective and psychological-preventive work;
- Psychological patronage of problem categories of the population (disabled, children with delinquent, addictive behavior, etc.).
Major Areas of Professional Psychology: diagnostic, corrective, consultative, communicative, educational, educational, educational, developmental, organizational.
Methodical Work
The relevance of some professions is growing in the face of increasing complexity in the world and accelerating scientific and technological progress. Such specialties include the profession of psychologist. Today, as social processes become more dynamic, tense situations often arise in relationships between people, in teams and in families. Due to communication deficits, the role of psychological knowledge and their applied aspect has increased.
The profession of psychologist is a special activity, which, in addition to knowledge, requires certain personal qualities, a special structure of outlook. Therefore, together with the theoretical knowledge and professional skills that are the foundation of any profession, young people, when studying at MAUP, receive a special psychological training and require a comprehensive psychological and pedagogical approach to creating conditions for personal development in the process of professional development. >
In our country, the problem of training practical psychologists has become most urgent recently because there have been subject areas where the assistance of qualified psychologists and professionals will be needed. The rapid development of various industries, closely related to the economic and social problems of society, requires the training of practical psychologists in the fields of advertising, industry, business, management, counseling and therapeutic practice. The needs of these industries stimulate technological, instrumental and technical training of the future psychologist.
At the same time, ethical aspects of motivation are often forgotten, that is, the main component of the personality that determines the quality and specificity of the activity of the future practical psychologist. First of all, it concerns the formation of professional orientation, which is a system-forming factor for the training of a professional psychologist. However, the psychological and pedagogical traditions of the formation and professional development of the individual, which today are accumulated in the psychological and pedagogical sciences, are still insufficiently used in the system of training of practical psychologists. After all, the practical approach to training, the opportunity to learn from professionals who are constantly engaged in therapeutic psychological practice, is absolutely important. Equally important are psychological training's that develop the future psychologist both as a specialist and as a person. This is what the students of the Dnipro Institute of IAPM, in particular, the Department of Practical Psychology, provide.
IAPM students acquire theoretical and practical skills of the future profession through lectures and seminars. In addition, the Center for the Organization of Practice, Student Employment and Alumni Work is in place at the IAPM for more effective knowledge acquisition, which facilitates the effective passage of practice and future employment. Most often, after practice, executives are pleased to invite IAPM graduates to their jobs.
The Department of Psychology trains practicing psychologists working in a variety of industries, manufacturing, education, law enforcement, the armed forces, medicine, and more. Based on the acquired knowledge and skills psychologists - graduates of IAPM are able to provide psychological diagnosis, psychological and management counseling, to provide psychological assistance in solving current problems to individuals and teams, to improve the psychological climate, to develop recommendations for preventive situations. >
Through their work, practical psychologists help to ensure the mental health of our people, increase the self-consciousness of society, translate the principles of humanism and democracy into our lives.
Perfect professional training of psychologists, formation of a clear professional position of a psychologist, use of personal qualities in accordance with the requirements of the profession, active professional communication - all these help graduates of the Dnepro Institute of IAPM to become professional psychologists.
The Department of Practical Psychology uses an online learning method that includes:
- Methodical, dialogical interaction of students with teachers in solving problems, modeling the situation, assessing the actions of classmates and their own behavior;
- Collaboration in small groups;
- Active role-playing (training) and training organization of training.
Information technology is also used in psychology studies, Internet resources are used, as well as electronic textbooks and reference books.
As a result of educational activities, there is a development of cognitive interest in the study of psychological disciplines, successful defense of course and diploma work, the development of activity, initiative, confidence, independence of future practical psychologists.